#social workers

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2 weeks ago

NYC pols seek social workers in all NYPD precincts

Having social workers in all NYPD precincts can help break the cycle of constant arrests and address underlying mental health conditions for individuals. [ more ]
1 month ago
UK news

Two-thirds of social workers report children living in dangerously mouldy homes

Social workers witness dangerous living conditions for children due to cost of living crisis.
Many families are forced to choose between heating homes, paying rent, or buying food. [ more ]
Austin Monitor
1 month ago

During Social Work Month, county commissioners discuss the field's low average salaries - Austin Monitor

Social Work Month declared in Travis County recognizing vital contributions and challenges faced by social workers.
Commissioners urged to support social workers by addressing underfunding and low compensation. [ more ]
2 months ago
UK news

Social workers warn system is on the brink' as baby murder lays bare failings

Social workers struggle due to high caseloads, inadequate safeguarding practice.
Calls for more funding to address systemic issues in the social services sector. [ more ]
2 months ago
East Bay (California)

Social workers say Santa Clara County is scapegoating lawyer over child abuse interview advice

Social workers defending attorney blamed for controversial practice
Ongoing struggles in Santa Clara County child welfare system [ more ]
2 months ago
Social justice

Help mothers in prison see their children more to reduce self-harm, charity says

Women in prisons need social workers for child contact
High rates of self-harm among women in prisons [ more ]
The Nation
4 months ago
Social justice

How Students in Seattle Got More School Counselors-Paid for by the City's Wealthiest Corporations

Seattle Public School social workers and counselors provide vital support to students but are overwhelmed.
A group of students in the Seattle Student Union have successfully advocated for change in their schools. [ more ]
5 months ago
East Bay (California)

Letters: Examine leadership

County leadership and counsel failed to provide support for social workers in protecting children
Bay Area homelessness needs a permanent solution [ more ]
5 months ago
Social justice

We failed her.' Santa Clara County social workers publicly rebuke boss, agency over handling of high-risk kids like baby Phoenix

Santa Clara County social workers criticize agency for family preservation practices despite red flags that led to the death of a baby.
Child welfare workers rally due to a series of fentanyl overdose deaths in young children in the South Bay. [ more ]
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